# [`zoommotion`][]
Zoom in on video motion.
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Install](#install)
- [With `pipx`, for users](#with-pipx-for-users)
- [Into `venv`, for developers](#into-venv-for-developers)
- [License](#license)
`zoommotion` is implemented in [Python][], uses [OpenCV][] and [SciPy][] for
processing, and external [FFmpeg][] processes for broad file read and write
support (via [`ffmpeg-python`][] and [`pyffstream`][]).
Simple algorithms are used to achieve speed with acceptable results ([Gaussian
mixture background/foreground segmentation][] and [Gaussian blur][] paired with
a [Butterworth filter][]). Algorithm parameters and input/output file
parameters can be supplied with command line options, see [Usage](#usage).
[`zoommotion`]: https://git.rcrnstn.net/rcrnstn/zoommotion
[Python]: https://www.python.org
[OpenCV]: https://opencv.org/about/
[SciPy]: https://www.scipy.org
[FFmpeg]: https://ffmpeg.org
[`ffmpeg-python`]: https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python
[`pyffstream`]: https://git.rcrnstn.net/rcrnstn/pyffstream
[Gaussian mixture background/foreground segmentation]: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d7/d7b/classcv_1_1BackgroundSubtractorMOG2.html
[Gaussian blur]: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaabe8c836e97159a9193fb0b11ac52cf1
[Butterworth filter]: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.butter.html
## Usage
`zoommotion --help`:
usage: zoommotion [-h] [--margins L R T B] [--blur-factor F]
[--blur-threshold T] [--lowpass-factor F]
[--start-frame FRAME] [--end-frame FRAME] [--decimate COUNT]
[--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--codec CODEC]
[--pix-fmt PIX_FMT] [--extra-args ARGS] [--no-preview]
[--no-write] [--no-audio] [--overwrite] [--debug DEBUG_FILE]
[--output OUTPUT_FILE]
Zoom in on video motion.
positional arguments:
INPUT_FILE input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--margins L R T B margins (left, right, top, bottom, in percent) of
output video (default: [0, 0, 0, 0])
--blur-factor F blur size factor (default: 0.05)
--blur-threshold T blur threshold (default: 32)
--lowpass-factor F low-pass filter cutoff frequency factor (default:
--start-frame FRAME starting input frame to process (inclusive)
--end-frame FRAME ending input frame to process (exclusive)
--decimate COUNT only use every COUNT input frame
--width WIDTH width of output video
--height HEIGHT height of output video
--codec CODEC codec of output video
--pix-fmt PIX_FMT pixel format of output video
--extra-args ARGS extra arguments to pass to FFmpeg, as a JSON object
(do not specify the leading dash for keys, use a null
value for arguments that do not take a parameter)
--no-preview do not show any previews
--no-write do not write any files
--no-audio do not include audio in output files
--overwrite overwrite output files
--debug DEBUG_FILE produce debug output (leave empty to base filename on
--output OUTPUT_FILE produce final output (leave empty to base filename on
## Install
Make sure [Python is installed][Python download], [`pip`][] is available and
the [`pip`][], [`setuptools`][] and [`wheel`][] packages are up to date:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Reference: [Python Packaging User Guide: Requirements for Installing
[Python download]: https://python.org/download
[`pip`]: https://pip.readthedocs.io
[`setuptools`]: https://setuptools.readthedocs.io
[`wheel`]: https://wheel.readthedocs.io
[Python Packaging User Guide: Requirements for Installing Packages]: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages/#requirements-for-installing-packages
### With [`pipx`][], for users
Make sure [`pipx`][] is installed:
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
Install `zoommotion`:
pipx install "git+https://git.rcrnstn.net/rcrnstn/zoommotion"
`zoommotion` should now be in your [`PATH`][] (if not, run `python3 -m pipx
Reference: [Python Packaging User Guide: Installing stand alone command line
[`pipx`]: https://pipxproject.github.io/pipx/
[`PATH`]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_(variable)
[Python Packaging User Guide: Installing stand alone command line tools]: https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-stand-alone-command-line-tools/
### Into [`venv`][], for developers
Clone and install into a repository [`venv`][] virtual environment:
git clone "https://git.rcrnstn.net/rcrnstn/zoommotion"
cd "zoommotion"
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --editable .
`zoommotion` should now be in your (virtual environment) [`PATH`][].
Reference: [Python Packaging User Guide: Installing packages using pip and
virtual environments][].
[`venv`]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html
[Python Packaging User Guide: Installing packages using pip and virtual environments]: https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/
## License
Licensed under the [ISC License][] unless otherwise noted, see the
[`LICENSE`][] file.
[ISC license]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISC_license