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// 2022-11-10: Corrected an ifdef that could cause problems.
// 2022-05-05: Created VectorUtils4, now only a header file!
// You must define MAIN in only one file (typically the main
// program) in order to only complile the implementation section once!
// This means:
// + Only ONE file
// + I can now safely re-introduce the constructors again!
// + I can move closer to GLM and GLSL syntax
// - You must #define MAIN in the main program
// This means that VectorUtils can still be used from C and thereby many other languages,
// while taking more advantage of C++ features when using C++.
// 20220525: Revised perpective() to conform with the reference manual as well as GLM. (But it went wrong, why?)
// 2022-08-29: Renamed Transpose to transpose to conform better with GLSL. Corrected perspective.
// You may use VectorUtils as you please. A reference to the origin is appreciated
// but if you grab some snippets from it without reference... no problem.
// VectorUtils3 header
// See source for more information
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <OpenGL/gl3.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include "glew.h"
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
// Really old type names
#define Vector3f Point3D
#define Matrix3f Matrix3D
#define Matrix4f Matrix4D
// GLSL-style
// These are already changed, here I define the intermediate type names that I use in some demos.
#define Point3D vec3
#define Matrix3D mat3
#define Matrix4D mat4
#define DotProduct dot
#define CrossProduct cross
#define Normalize normalize
#define Transpose transpose
// Furthermore, SplitVector should be revised to conform with reflect()
// Note 210515: I have removed the constructors from my structs below in order to please
// some compilers. They did work but the compilers were upset about C using these
// without knowing about the constructors, while the C++ code happily used them.
// However, we do not need them; you can initialize with SetVec* instead of
// vec*() and it will work.
// Note 2022: These are now back (and more), which is possible when doing this as a header only unit.
typedef struct vec4 vec4;
// vec3 is very useful
typedef struct vec3
// GLfloat x, y, z;
{GLfloat x; GLfloat r;};
{GLfloat y; GLfloat g;};
{GLfloat z; GLfloat b;};
#ifdef __cplusplus
vec3() {}
vec3(GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2, GLfloat z2) : x(x2), y(y2), z(z2) {}
vec3(GLfloat x2) : x(x2), y(x2), z(x2) {}
// vec3(vec4 v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
vec3(vec4 v);
} vec3, *vec3Ptr;
// vec4 is not as useful. Can be a color with alpha, or a quaternion, but IMHO you
// rarely need homogenous coordinate vectors on the CPU.
typedef struct vec4
// GLfloat x, y, z, w; // w or h
{GLfloat x; GLfloat r;};
{GLfloat y; GLfloat g;};
{GLfloat z; GLfloat b;};
{GLfloat h; GLfloat w; GLfloat a;};
#ifdef __cplusplus
vec4() {}
vec4(GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2, GLfloat z2, GLfloat w2) : x(x2), y(y2), z(z2), w(w2) {}
vec4(GLfloat xyz, GLfloat w2) : x(xyz), y(xyz), z(xyz), w(w2) {}
vec4(vec3 v, GLfloat w2) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z), w(w2) {}
vec4(vec3 v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z), w(1) {}
} vec4, *vec4Ptr;
// vec2 is mostly used for texture cordinates, so I havn't bothered defining any operations for it
typedef struct vec2
// GLfloat x, y;
{GLfloat x; GLfloat s;};
{GLfloat y; GLfloat t;};
#ifdef __cplusplus
vec2() {}
vec2(GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2) : x(x2), y(y2) {}
} vec2, *vec2Ptr;
typedef struct mat3 mat3;
typedef struct mat4
GLfloat m[16];
#ifdef __cplusplus
mat4() {}
mat4(GLfloat x2)
m[0] = x2; m[1] = 0; m[2] = 0; m[3] = 0;
m[4] = 0; m[5] = x2; m[6] = 0; m[7] = 0;
m[8] = 0; m[9] = 0; m[10] = x2; m[11] = 0;
m[12] = 0; m[13] = 0; m[14] = 0; m[15] = x2;
mat4(GLfloat p0, GLfloat p1, GLfloat p2, GLfloat p3,
GLfloat p4, GLfloat p5, GLfloat p6, GLfloat p7,
GLfloat p8, GLfloat p9, GLfloat p10, GLfloat p11,
GLfloat p12, GLfloat p13, GLfloat p14, GLfloat p15)
m[0] = p0; m[1] = p1; m[2] = p2; m[3] = p3;
m[4] = p4; m[5] = p5; m[6] = p6; m[7] = p7;
m[8] = p8; m[9] = p9; m[10] = p10; m[11] = p11;
m[12] = p12; m[13] = p13; m[14] = p14; m[15] = p15;
mat4(mat3 x);
} mat4;
typedef struct mat3
GLfloat m[9];
#ifdef __cplusplus
mat3() {}
mat3(GLfloat x2)
m[0] = x2; m[1] = 0; m[2] = 0;
m[3] = 0; m[4] = x2; m[5] = 0;
m[6] = 0; m[7] = 0; m[8] = x2;
mat3(GLfloat p0, GLfloat p1, GLfloat p2,
GLfloat p3, GLfloat p4, GLfloat p5,
GLfloat p6, GLfloat p7, GLfloat p8)
m[0] = p0; m[1] = p1; m[2] = p2;
m[3] = p3; m[4] = p4; m[5] = p5;
m[6] = p6; m[7] = p7; m[8] = p8;
mat3(mat4 x)
m[0] = x.m[0]; m[1] = x.m[1]; m[2] = x.m[2];
m[3] = x.m[4]; m[4] = x.m[5]; m[5] = x.m[6];
m[6] = x.m[8]; m[7] = x.m[9]; m[8] = x.m[10];
mat3(vec3 x1, vec3 x2, vec3 x3)
m[0] = x1.x; m[1] = x1.y; m[2] = x1.z;
m[3] = x2.x; m[4] = x2.y; m[5] = x2.z;
m[6] = x3.x; m[7] = x3.y; m[8] = x3.z;
} mat3;
#ifdef __cplusplus
vec3::vec3(vec4 v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
mat4::mat4(mat3 x)
m[0] = x.m[0]; m[1] = x.m[1]; m[2] = x.m[2]; m[3] = 0;
m[4] = x.m[3]; m[5] = x.m[4]; m[6] = x.m[5]; m[7] = 0;
m[8] = x.m[6]; m[9] = x.m[7]; m[10] = x.m[8]; m[11] = 0;
m[12] = x.m[0]; m[13] = x.m[0]; m[14] = x.m[0]; m[15] = 1;
//#ifdef __cplusplus
//extern "C" {
// New better name for SetVector and replacements for constructors
vec2 SetVec2(GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
vec3 SetVec3(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
vec4 SetVec4(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
vec3 SetVector(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
mat3 SetMat3(GLfloat p0, GLfloat p1, GLfloat p2, GLfloat p3, GLfloat p4, GLfloat p5, GLfloat p6, GLfloat p7, GLfloat p8);
mat4 SetMat4(GLfloat p0, GLfloat p1, GLfloat p2, GLfloat p3,
GLfloat p4, GLfloat p5, GLfloat p6, GLfloat p7,
GLfloat p8, GLfloat p9, GLfloat p10, GLfloat p11,
GLfloat p12, GLfloat p13, GLfloat p14, GLfloat p15
// Basic vector operations on vec3's. (vec4 not included since I never need them.)
// Note: C++ users can also use operator overloading, defined below.
vec3 VectorSub(vec3 a, vec3 b);
vec3 VectorAdd(vec3 a, vec3 b);
vec3 cross(vec3 a, vec3 b);
GLfloat dot(vec3 a, vec3 b);
vec3 ScalarMult(vec3 a, GLfloat s);
GLfloat Norm(vec3 a);
vec3 normalize(vec3 a);
vec3 CalcNormalVector(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c);
void SplitVector(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec3 *vn, vec3 *vp);
// Matrix operations primarily on 4x4 matrixes!
// Row-wise by default but can be configured to column-wise (see SetTransposed)
mat4 IdentityMatrix();
mat4 Rx(GLfloat a);
mat4 Ry(GLfloat a);
mat4 Rz(GLfloat a);
mat4 T(GLfloat tx, GLfloat ty, GLfloat tz);
mat4 S(GLfloat sx, GLfloat sy, GLfloat sz);
mat4 Mult(mat4 a, mat4 b); // dest = a * b - rename to MultMat4 considered but I don't like to make the name of the most common operation longer
// but for symmetry, MultMat4 is made a synonym:
#define MultMat4 Mult
vec3 MultVec3(mat4 a, vec3 b); // result = a * b
vec4 MultVec4(mat4 a, vec4 b);
// Mat3 operations (new)
mat3 MultMat3(mat3 a, mat3 b); // m = a * b
vec3 MultMat3Vec3(mat3 a, vec3 b); // result = a * b
void OrthoNormalizeMatrix(mat4 *R);
mat4 transpose(mat4 m);
mat3 TransposeMat3(mat3 m);
mat4 ArbRotate(vec3 axis, GLfloat fi);
mat4 CrossMatrix(vec3 a);
mat4 MatrixAdd(mat4 a, mat4 b);
// Configure, i.e. if you want matrices to be column-wise
void SetTransposed(char t);
// GLU replacement functions
mat4 lookAtv(vec3 p, vec3 l, vec3 v);
mat4 lookAt(GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat pz,
GLfloat lx, GLfloat ly, GLfloat lz,
GLfloat vx, GLfloat vy, GLfloat vz);
mat4 perspective(float fovyInDegrees, float aspectRatio,
float znear, float zfar);
mat4 frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top,
float znear, float zfar);
mat4 ortho(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom,
GLfloat top, GLfloat near, GLfloat far);
// For creating a normal matrix
mat3 InvertMat3(mat3 in);
mat3 InverseTranspose(mat4 in);
mat4 InvertMat4(mat4 a);
// Simple conversions
mat3 mat4tomat3(mat4 m);
mat4 mat3tomat4(mat3 m);
vec3 vec4tovec3(vec4 v);
vec4 vec3tovec4(vec3 v);
// Convenient printing calls
void printMat4(mat4 m);
void printVec3(vec3 in);
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#ifdef __cplusplus
// Convenient overloads for C++, closer to GLSL
mat3 inverse(mat3 m);
mat4 inverse(mat4 m);
mat3 transpose(mat3 m);
mat4 S(GLfloat s);
mat4 S(vec3 s);
mat4 lookAt(vec3 p, vec3 l, vec3 u);
//#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Some C++ operator overloads
// Non-member C++ operators!
// New version 2021-05-2x: Constructiors for vec3 etc replaced in order to avoid
// problems with some C++ compilers.
// --- vec3 operations ---
vec3 operator+(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b) // vec3+vec3
return SetVector(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z);
vec3 operator-(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b) // vec3-vec3
return SetVector(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z);
vec3 operator-(const vec3 &a)
return SetVector(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z);
// Questionable, not like GLSL
float operator*(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b) // vec3 dot vec3
return (a.x*b.x+ a.y*b.y+ a.z*b.z);
vec3 operator*(const vec3 &b, double a) // vec3 * scalar
return SetVector(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z);
vec3 operator*(double a, const vec3 &b) // scalar * vec3
return SetVector(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z);
vec3 operator/(const vec3 &b, double a) // vec3 / scalar
return SetVector(b.x/a, b.y/a, b.z/a);
void operator+=(vec3 &a, const vec3 &b) // vec3+=vec3
a = a + b;
void operator-=(vec3 &a, const vec3 &b) // vec3-=vec3
a = a - b;
void operator*=(vec3 &a, const float &b) // vec3*=scalar
a = a * b;
void operator/=(vec3 &a, const float &b) // vec3/=scalar
a = a / b;
// --- vec4 operations ---
vec4 operator+(const vec4 &a, const vec4 &b) // vec4+vec4
return SetVec4(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z, a.w+b.w);
vec4 operator-(const vec4 &a, const vec4 &b) // vec4-vec4
return SetVec4(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z, a.w-b.w);
// Questionable, not like GLSL
float operator*(const vec4 &a, const vec4 &b) // vec4 dot vec4
return (a.x*b.x+ a.y*b.y+ a.z*b.z+ a.w*b.w);
vec4 operator*(const vec4 &b, double a) // vec4 * scalar
return SetVec4(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z, a*b.w);
vec4 operator*(double a, const vec4 &b) // scalar * vec4
return SetVec4(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z, a*b.w);
vec4 operator/(const vec4 &b, double a) // vec4 / scalar
return SetVec4(b.x/a, b.y/a, b.z/a, b.w/a);
void operator+=(vec4 &a, const vec4 &b) // vec4+=vec4
a = a + b;
void operator-=(vec4 &a, const vec4 &b) // vec4-=vec4
a = a - b;
void operator*=(vec4 &a, const float &b) // vec4 *= scalar
a = a * b;
void operator/=(vec4 &a, const float &b) // vec4 /= scalar
a = a / b;
// --- Matrix multiplication ---
// mat4 * mat4
mat4 operator*(const mat4 &a, const mat4 &b)
return (Mult(a, b));
// mat3 * mat3
mat3 operator*(const mat3 &a, const mat3 &b)
return (MultMat3(a, b));
// mat4 * vec3
vec3 operator*(const mat4 &a, const vec3 &b)
return MultVec3(a, b); // result = a * b
// mat4 * vec4
vec4 operator*(const mat4 &a, const vec4 &b)
return MultVec4(a, b); // result = a * b
// mat3 * vec3
vec3 operator*(const mat3 &a, const vec3 &b)
return MultMat3Vec3(a, b); // result = a * b
// ********** implementation section ************
#ifdef MAIN
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// VS doesn't define NAN properly
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef NAN
static const unsigned long __nan[2] = {0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff};
#define NAN (*(const float *) __nan)
char transposed = 0;
vec3 SetVector(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
vec3 v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
v.z = z;
return v;
// New better name
vec2 SetVec2(GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
vec2 v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
return v;
vec3 SetVec3(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
vec3 v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
v.z = z;
return v;
vec4 SetVec4(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
vec4 v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
v.z = z;
v.w = w;
return v;
// Modern C doesn't need this, but Visual Studio insists on old-fashioned C and needs this.
mat3 SetMat3(GLfloat p0, GLfloat p1, GLfloat p2, GLfloat p3, GLfloat p4, GLfloat p5, GLfloat p6, GLfloat p7, GLfloat p8)
mat3 m;
m.m[0] = p0;
m.m[1] = p1;
m.m[2] = p2;
m.m[3] = p3;
m.m[4] = p4;
m.m[5] = p5;
m.m[6] = p6;
m.m[7] = p7;
m.m[8] = p8;
return m;
// Like above; Modern C doesn't need this, but Visual Studio insists on old-fashioned C and needs this.
mat4 SetMat4(GLfloat p0, GLfloat p1, GLfloat p2, GLfloat p3,
GLfloat p4, GLfloat p5, GLfloat p6, GLfloat p7,
GLfloat p8, GLfloat p9, GLfloat p10, GLfloat p11,
GLfloat p12, GLfloat p13, GLfloat p14, GLfloat p15
mat4 m;
m.m[0] = p0;
m.m[1] = p1;
m.m[2] = p2;
m.m[3] = p3;
m.m[4] = p4;
m.m[5] = p5;
m.m[6] = p6;
m.m[7] = p7;
m.m[8] = p8;
m.m[9] = p9;
m.m[10] = p10;
m.m[11] = p11;
m.m[12] = p12;
m.m[13] = p13;
m.m[14] = p14;
m.m[15] = p15;
return m;
// vec3 operations
// vec4 operations can easily be added but I havn't seen much need for them.
// Some are defined as C++ operators though.
vec3 VectorSub(vec3 a, vec3 b)
vec3 result;
result.x = a.x - b.x;
result.y = a.y - b.y;
result.z = a.z - b.z;
return result;
vec3 VectorAdd(vec3 a, vec3 b)
vec3 result;
result.x = a.x + b.x;
result.y = a.y + b.y;
result.z = a.z + b.z;
return result;
vec3 cross(vec3 a, vec3 b)
vec3 result;
result.x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y;
result.y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z;
result.z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;
return result;
GLfloat dot(vec3 a, vec3 b)
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;
vec3 ScalarMult(vec3 a, GLfloat s)
vec3 result;
result.x = a.x * s;
result.y = a.y * s;
result.z = a.z * s;
return result;
GLfloat Norm(vec3 a)
GLfloat result;
result = (GLfloat)sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z);
return result;
vec3 normalize(vec3 a)
GLfloat norm;
vec3 result;
norm = (GLfloat)sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z);
result.x = a.x / norm;
result.y = a.y / norm;
result.z = a.z / norm;
return result;
vec3 CalcNormalVector(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c)
vec3 n;
n = cross(VectorSub(a, b), VectorSub(a, c));
n = ScalarMult(n, 1/Norm(n));
return n;
// Splits v into vn (parallell to n) and vp (perpendicular). Does not demand n to be normalized.
void SplitVector(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec3 *vn, vec3 *vp)
GLfloat nlen;
GLfloat nlen2;
nlen = DotProduct(v, n);
nlen2 = n.x*n.x+n.y*n.y+n.z*n.z; // Squared length
if (nlen2 == 0)
*vp = v;
*vn = SetVector(0, 0, 0);
*vn = ScalarMult(n, nlen/nlen2);
*vp = VectorSub(v, *vn);
// Matrix operations primarily on 4x4 matrixes!
// Row-wise by default but can be configured to column-wise (see SetTransposed)
mat4 IdentityMatrix()
mat4 m;
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
m.m[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
m.m[i * 5] = 1; // 0,5,10,15
return m;
mat4 Rx(GLfloat a)
mat4 m;
m = IdentityMatrix();
m.m[5] = (GLfloat)cos(a);
if (transposed)
m.m[9] = (GLfloat)-sin(a);
m.m[9] = (GLfloat)sin(a);
m.m[6] = -m.m[9]; //sin(a);
m.m[10] = m.m[5]; //cos(a);
return m;
mat4 Ry(GLfloat a)
mat4 m;
m = IdentityMatrix();
m.m[0] = (GLfloat)cos(a);
if (transposed)
m.m[8] = (GLfloat)sin(a); // Was flipped
m.m[8] = (GLfloat)-sin(a);
m.m[2] = -m.m[8]; //sin(a);
m.m[10] = m.m[0]; //cos(a);
return m;
mat4 Rz(GLfloat a)
mat4 m;
m = IdentityMatrix();
m.m[0] = (GLfloat)cos(a);
if (transposed)
m.m[4] = (GLfloat)-sin(a);
m.m[4] = (GLfloat)sin(a);
m.m[1] = -m.m[4]; //sin(a);
m.m[5] = m.m[0]; //cos(a);
return m;
mat4 T(GLfloat tx, GLfloat ty, GLfloat tz)
mat4 m;
m = IdentityMatrix();
if (transposed)
m.m[12] = tx;
m.m[13] = ty;
m.m[14] = tz;
m.m[3] = tx;
m.m[7] = ty;
m.m[11] = tz;
return m;
mat4 S(GLfloat sx, GLfloat sy, GLfloat sz)
mat4 m;
m = IdentityMatrix();
m.m[0] = sx;
m.m[5] = sy;
m.m[10] = sz;
return m;
mat4 Mult(mat4 a, mat4 b) // m = a * b
mat4 m;
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x <= 3; x++)
for (y = 0; y <= 3; y++)
if (transposed)
m.m[x*4 + y] = a.m[y+4*0] * b.m[0+4*x] +
a.m[y+4*1] * b.m[1+4*x] +
a.m[y+4*2] * b.m[2+4*x] +
a.m[y+4*3] * b.m[3+4*x];
m.m[y*4 + x] = a.m[y*4+0] * b.m[0*4+x] +
a.m[y*4+1] * b.m[1*4+x] +
a.m[y*4+2] * b.m[2*4+x] +
a.m[y*4+3] * b.m[3*4+x];
return m;
// mat4 Mult(mat4 a, mat4 b) // m = a * b
// {
// mat4 m;
// if (transposed)
// {
// a = transpose(a);
// b = transpose(b);
// }
// int x, y;
// for (x = 0; x <= 3; x++)
// for (y = 0; y <= 3; y++)
// m.m[y*4 + x] = a.m[y*4+0] * b.m[0*4+x] +
// a.m[y*4+1] * b.m[1*4+x] +
// a.m[y*4+2] * b.m[2*4+x] +
// a.m[y*4+3] * b.m[3*4+x];
// if (transposed)
// m = transpose(m);
// return m;
// }
// Ej testad!
mat3 MultMat3(mat3 a, mat3 b) // m = a * b
mat3 m;
int x, y;
for (x = 0; x <= 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y <= 2; y++)
if (transposed)
m.m[x*3 + y] = a.m[y+3*0] * b.m[0+3*x] +
a.m[y+3*1] * b.m[1+3*x] +
a.m[y+3*2] * b.m[2+3*x];
m.m[y*3 + x] = a.m[y*3+0] * b.m[0*3+x] +
a.m[y*3+1] * b.m[1*3+x] +
a.m[y*3+2] * b.m[2*3+x];
return m;
// mat4 * vec3
// The missing homogenous coordinate is implicitly set to 1.
vec3 MultVec3(mat4 a, vec3 b) // result = a * b
vec3 r;
if (!transposed)
r.x = a.m[0]*b.x + a.m[1]*b.y + a.m[2]*b.z + a.m[3];
r.y = a.m[4]*b.x + a.m[5]*b.y + a.m[6]*b.z + a.m[7];
r.z = a.m[8]*b.x + a.m[9]*b.y + a.m[10]*b.z + a.m[11];
r.x = a.m[0]*b.x + a.m[4]*b.y + a.m[8]*b.z + a.m[12];
r.y = a.m[1]*b.x + a.m[5]*b.y + a.m[9]*b.z + a.m[13];
r.z = a.m[2]*b.x + a.m[6]*b.y + a.m[10]*b.z + a.m[14];
return r;
// mat3 * vec3
vec3 MultMat3Vec3(mat3 a, vec3 b) // result = a * b
vec3 r;
if (!transposed)
r.x = a.m[0]*b.x + a.m[1]*b.y + a.m[2]*b.z;
r.y = a.m[3]*b.x + a.m[4]*b.y + a.m[5]*b.z;
r.z = a.m[6]*b.x + a.m[7]*b.y + a.m[8]*b.z;
r.x = a.m[0]*b.x + a.m[3]*b.y + a.m[6]*b.z;
r.y = a.m[1]*b.x + a.m[4]*b.y + a.m[7]*b.z;
r.z = a.m[2]*b.x + a.m[5]*b.y + a.m[8]*b.z;
return r;
// mat4 * vec4
vec4 MultVec4(mat4 a, vec4 b) // result = a * b
vec4 r;
if (!transposed)
r.x = a.m[0]*b.x + a.m[1]*b.y + a.m[2]*b.z + a.m[3]*b.w;
r.y = a.m[4]*b.x + a.m[5]*b.y + a.m[6]*b.z + a.m[7]*b.w;
r.z = a.m[8]*b.x + a.m[9]*b.y + a.m[10]*b.z + a.m[11]*b.w;
r.w = a.m[12]*b.x + a.m[13]*b.y + a.m[14]*b.z + a.m[15]*b.w;
r.x = a.m[0]*b.x + a.m[4]*b.y + a.m[8]*b.z + a.m[12]*b.w;
r.y = a.m[1]*b.x + a.m[5]*b.y + a.m[9]*b.z + a.m[13]*b.w;
r.z = a.m[2]*b.x + a.m[6]*b.y + a.m[10]*b.z + a.m[14]*b.w;
r.w = a.m[3]*b.x + a.m[7]*b.y + a.m[11]*b.z + a.m[15]*b.w;
return r;
// Unnecessary
// Will probably be removed
// void CopyMatrix(GLfloat *src, GLfloat *dest)
// {
// int i;
// for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
// dest[i] = src[i];
// }
// Added for lab 3 (TSBK03)
// Orthonormalization of Matrix4D. Assumes rotation only, translation/projection ignored
void OrthoNormalizeMatrix(mat4 *R)
vec3 x, y, z;
if (transposed)
x = SetVector(R->m[0], R->m[1], R->m[2]);
y = SetVector(R->m[4], R->m[5], R->m[6]);
// SetVector(R[8], R[9], R[10], &z);
// Kryssa fram ur varandra
// Normera
z = CrossProduct(x, y);
z = Normalize(z);
x = Normalize(x);
y = CrossProduct(z, x);
R->m[0] = x.x;
R->m[1] = x.y;
R->m[2] = x.z;
R->m[4] = y.x;
R->m[5] = y.y;
R->m[6] = y.z;
R->m[8] = z.x;
R->m[9] = z.y;
R->m[10] = z.z;
R->m[3] = 0.0;
R->m[7] = 0.0;
R->m[11] = 0.0;
R->m[12] = 0.0;
R->m[13] = 0.0;
R->m[14] = 0.0;
R->m[15] = 1.0;
x = SetVector(R->m[0], R->m[4], R->m[8]);
y = SetVector(R->m[1], R->m[5], R->m[9]);
// SetVector(R[2], R[6], R[10], &z);
// Kryssa fram ur varandra
// Normera
z = CrossProduct(x, y);
z = Normalize(z);
x = Normalize(x);
y = CrossProduct(z, x);
R->m[0] = x.x;
R->m[4] = x.y;
R->m[8] = x.z;
R->m[1] = y.x;
R->m[5] = y.y;
R->m[9] = y.z;
R->m[2] = z.x;
R->m[6] = z.y;
R->m[10] = z.z;
R->m[3] = 0.0;
R->m[7] = 0.0;
R->m[11] = 0.0;
R->m[12] = 0.0;
R->m[13] = 0.0;
R->m[14] = 0.0;
R->m[15] = 1.0;
// Commented out since I plan to remove it if I can't see a good reason to keep it.
// // Only transposes rotation part.
// mat4 TransposeRotation(mat4 m)
// {
// mat4 a;
// a.m[0] = m.m[0]; a.m[4] = m.m[1]; a.m[8] = m.m[2]; a.m[12] = m.m[12];
// a.m[1] = m.m[4]; a.m[5] = m.m[5]; a.m[9] = m.m[6]; a.m[13] = m.m[13];
// a.m[2] = m.m[8]; a.m[6] = m.m[9]; a.m[10] = m.m[10]; a.m[14] = m.m[14];
// a.m[3] = m.m[3]; a.m[7] = m.m[7]; a.m[11] = m.m[11]; a.m[15] = m.m[15];
// return a;
// }
// Complete transpose!
mat4 transpose(mat4 m)
mat4 a;
a.m[0] = m.m[0]; a.m[4] = m.m[1]; a.m[8] = m.m[2]; a.m[12] = m.m[3];
a.m[1] = m.m[4]; a.m[5] = m.m[5]; a.m[9] = m.m[6]; a.m[13] = m.m[7];
a.m[2] = m.m[8]; a.m[6] = m.m[9]; a.m[10] = m.m[10]; a.m[14] = m.m[11];
a.m[3] = m.m[12]; a.m[7] = m.m[13]; a.m[11] = m.m[14]; a.m[15] = m.m[15];
return a;
// Complete transpose!
mat3 TransposeMat3(mat3 m)
mat3 a;
a.m[0] = m.m[0]; a.m[3] = m.m[1]; a.m[6] = m.m[2];
a.m[1] = m.m[3]; a.m[4] = m.m[4]; a.m[7] = m.m[5];
a.m[2] = m.m[6]; a.m[5] = m.m[7]; a.m[8] = m.m[8];
return a;
// Rotation around arbitrary axis (rotation only)
mat4 ArbRotate(vec3 axis, GLfloat fi)
vec3 x, y, z;
mat4 R, Rt, Raxel, m;
// Check if parallel to Z
if (axis.x < 0.0000001) // Below some small value
if (axis.x > -0.0000001)
if (axis.y < 0.0000001)
if (axis.y > -0.0000001)
if (axis.z > 0)
m = Rz(fi);
return m;
m = Rz(-fi);
return m;
x = Normalize(axis);
z = SetVector(0,0,1); // Temp z
y = Normalize(CrossProduct(z, x)); // y' = z^ x x'
z = CrossProduct(x, y); // z' = x x y
if (transposed)
R.m[0] = x.x; R.m[4] = x.y; R.m[8] = x.z; R.m[12] = 0.0;
R.m[1] = y.x; R.m[5] = y.y; R.m[9] = y.z; R.m[13] = 0.0;
R.m[2] = z.x; R.m[6] = z.y; R.m[10] = z.z; R.m[14] = 0.0;
R.m[3] = 0.0; R.m[7] = 0.0; R.m[11] = 0.0; R.m[15] = 1.0;
R.m[0] = x.x; R.m[1] = x.y; R.m[2] = x.z; R.m[3] = 0.0;
R.m[4] = y.x; R.m[5] = y.y; R.m[6] = y.z; R.m[7] = 0.0;
R.m[8] = z.x; R.m[9] = z.y; R.m[10] = z.z; R.m[11] = 0.0;
R.m[12] = 0.0; R.m[13] = 0.0; R.m[14] = 0.0; R.m[15] = 1.0;
Rt = Transpose(R); // Transpose = Invert -> felet ej i Transpose, och det \8Ar en ortonormal matris
Raxel = Rx(fi); // Rotate around x axis
// m := Rt * Rx * R
m = Mult(Mult(Rt, Raxel), R);
return m;
// Not tested much
mat4 CrossMatrix(vec3 a) // Matrix for cross product
mat4 m;
if (transposed)
m.m[0] = 0; m.m[4] =-a.z; m.m[8] = a.y; m.m[12] = 0.0;
m.m[1] = a.z; m.m[5] = 0; m.m[9] =-a.x; m.m[13] = 0.0;
m.m[2] =-a.y; m.m[6] = a.x; m.m[10]= 0; m.m[14] = 0.0;
m.m[3] = 0.0; m.m[7] = 0.0; m.m[11]= 0.0; m.m[15] = 0.0;
// NOTE! 0.0 in the homogous coordinate. Thus, the matrix can
// not be generally used, but is fine for matrix differentials
m.m[0] = 0; m.m[1] =-a.z; m.m[2] = a.y; m.m[3] = 0.0;
m.m[4] = a.z; m.m[5] = 0; m.m[6] =-a.x; m.m[7] = 0.0;
m.m[8] =-a.y; m.m[9] = a.x; m.m[10]= 0; m.m[11] = 0.0;
m.m[12] = 0.0; m.m[13] = 0.0; m.m[14]= 0.0; m.m[15] = 0.0;
// NOTE! 0.0 in the homogous coordinate. Thus, the matrix can
// not be generally used, but is fine for matrix differentials
return m;
mat4 MatrixAdd(mat4 a, mat4 b)
mat4 dest;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
dest.m[i] = a.m[i] + b.m[i];
return dest;
// 0 = row-wise defined matrices
// 1 = column-wise
void SetTransposed(char t)
transposed = t;
// Build standard matrices
mat4 lookAtv(vec3 p, vec3 l, vec3 v)
vec3 n, u;
mat4 rot, trans;
n = Normalize(VectorSub(p, l));
u = Normalize(CrossProduct(v, n));
v = CrossProduct(n, u);
if (transposed)
rot = SetMat4(u.x, v.x, n.x, 0,
u.y, v.y, n.y, 0,
u.z, v.z, n.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
rot = SetMat4(u.x, u.y, u.z, 0,
v.x, v.y, v.z, 0,
n.x, n.y, n.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
trans = T(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);
mat4 m = Mult(rot, trans);
return m;
mat4 lookAt(GLfloat px, GLfloat py, GLfloat pz,
GLfloat lx, GLfloat ly, GLfloat lz,
GLfloat vx, GLfloat vy, GLfloat vz)
vec3 p, l, v;
p = SetVector(px, py, pz);
l = SetVector(lx, ly, lz);
v = SetVector(vx, vy, vz);
return lookAtv(p, l, v);
// From http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GluPerspective_code
// Changed names and parameter order to conform with VU style
// Rewritten 120913 because it was all wrong...
// Rewritten again 2022 to a more compact form.
mat4 perspective(float fovyInDegrees, float aspectRatio,
float znear, float zfar)
float f = 1/tan(fovyInDegrees * M_PI / 360.0);
mat4 m = SetMat4(f/aspectRatio, 0, 0, 0,
0, f, 0, 0,
0, 0, (zfar+znear)/(znear-zfar), 2*zfar*znear/(znear-zfar),
0, 0, -1, 0);
if (transposed)
m = transpose(m);
return m;
mat4 frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top,
float znear, float zfar)
float temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
mat4 matrix;
temp = 2.0f * znear;
temp2 = right - left;
temp3 = top - bottom;
temp4 = zfar - znear;
matrix.m[0] = temp / temp2; // 2*near/(right-left)
matrix.m[1] = 0.0;
matrix.m[2] = 0.0;
matrix.m[3] = 0.0;
matrix.m[4] = 0.0;
matrix.m[5] = temp / temp3; // 2*near/(top - bottom)
matrix.m[6] = 0.0;
matrix.m[7] = 0.0;
matrix.m[8] = (right + left) / temp2; // A = r+l / r-l
matrix.m[9] = (top + bottom) / temp3; // B = t+b / t-b
matrix.m[10] = (-zfar - znear) / temp4; // C = -(f+n) / f-n
matrix.m[11] = -1.0;
matrix.m[12] = 0.0;
matrix.m[13] = 0.0;
matrix.m[14] = (-temp * zfar) / temp4; // D = -2fn / f-n
matrix.m[15] = 0.0;
if (!transposed)
matrix = Transpose(matrix);
return matrix;
// Not tested!
mat4 ortho(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat near, GLfloat far)
float a = 2.0f / (right - left);
float b = 2.0f / (top - bottom);
float c = -2.0f / (far - near);
float tx = - (right + left)/(right - left);
float ty = - (top + bottom)/(top - bottom);
float tz = - (far + near)/(far - near);
mat4 o = SetMat4(
a, 0, 0, tx,
0, b, 0, ty,
0, 0, c, tz,
0, 0, 0, 1);
if (transposed)
o = Transpose(o);
return o;
// The code below is based on code from:
// http://www.dr-lex.be/random/matrix_inv.html
// Inverts mat3 (row-wise matrix)
// (For a more general inverse, try a gaussian elimination.)
mat3 InvertMat3(mat3 in)
float a11, a12, a13, a21, a22, a23, a31, a32, a33;
mat3 out, nanout;
float DET;
// Copying to internal variables both clarify the code and
// buffers data so the output may be identical to the input!
a11 = in.m[0];
a12 = in.m[1];
a13 = in.m[2];
a21 = in.m[3];
a22 = in.m[4];
a23 = in.m[5];
a31 = in.m[6];
a32 = in.m[7];
a33 = in.m[8];
DET = a11*(a33*a22-a32*a23)-a21*(a33*a12-a32*a13)+a31*(a23*a12-a22*a13);
if (DET != 0)
out.m[0] = (a33*a22-a32*a23)/DET;
out.m[1] = -(a33*a12-a32*a13)/DET;
out.m[2] = (a23*a12-a22*a13)/DET;
out.m[3] = -(a33*a21-a31*a23)/DET;
out.m[4] = (a33*a11-a31*a13)/DET;
out.m[5] = -(a23*a11-a21*a13)/DET;
out.m[6] = (a32*a21-a31*a22)/DET;
out.m[7] = -(a32*a11-a31*a12)/DET;
out.m[8] = (a22*a11-a21*a12)/DET;
nanout = SetMat3(NAN, NAN, NAN,
out = nanout;
return out;
// For making a normal matrix from a model-to-view matrix
// Takes a mat4 in, ignores 4th row/column (should just be translations),
// inverts as mat3 (row-wise matrix) and returns the transpose
mat3 InverseTranspose(mat4 in)
float a11, a12, a13, a21, a22, a23, a31, a32, a33;
mat3 out, nanout;
float DET;
// Copying to internal variables
a11 = in.m[0];
a12 = in.m[1];
a13 = in.m[2];
a21 = in.m[4];
a22 = in.m[5];
a23 = in.m[6];
a31 = in.m[8];
a32 = in.m[9];
a33 = in.m[10];
DET = a11*(a33*a22-a32*a23)-a21*(a33*a12-a32*a13)+a31*(a23*a12-a22*a13);
if (DET != 0)
out.m[0] = (a33*a22-a32*a23)/DET;
out.m[3] = -(a33*a12-a32*a13)/DET;
out.m[6] = (a23*a12-a22*a13)/DET;
out.m[1] = -(a33*a21-a31*a23)/DET;
out.m[4] = (a33*a11-a31*a13)/DET;
out.m[7] = -(a23*a11-a21*a13)/DET;
out.m[2] = (a32*a21-a31*a22)/DET;
out.m[5] = -(a32*a11-a31*a12)/DET;
out.m[8] = (a22*a11-a21*a12)/DET;
nanout = SetMat3(NAN, NAN, NAN,
out = nanout;
return out;
// Simple conversions
mat3 mat4tomat3(mat4 m)
mat3 result;
result.m[0] = m.m[0];
result.m[1] = m.m[1];
result.m[2] = m.m[2];
result.m[3] = m.m[4];
result.m[4] = m.m[5];
result.m[5] = m.m[6];
result.m[6] = m.m[8];
result.m[7] = m.m[9];
result.m[8] = m.m[10];
return result;
mat4 mat3tomat4(mat3 m)
mat4 result;
result.m[0] = m.m[0];
result.m[1] = m.m[1];
result.m[2] = m.m[2];
result.m[3] = 0;
result.m[4] = m.m[3];
result.m[5] = m.m[4];
result.m[6] = m.m[5];
result.m[7] = 0;
result.m[8] = m.m[6];
result.m[9] = m.m[7];
result.m[10] = m.m[8];
result.m[11] = 0;
result.m[12] = 0;
result.m[13] = 0;
result.m[14] = 0;
result.m[15] = 1;
return result;
vec3 vec4tovec3(vec4 v)
vec3 result;
result.x = v.x;
result.y = v.y;
result.z = v.z;
return result;
vec4 vec3tovec4(vec3 v)
vec4 result;
result.x = v.x;
result.y = v.y;
result.z = v.z;
result.w = 1;
return result;
// Stol... I mean adapted from glMatrix (WebGL math unit). Almost no
// changes despite changing language! But I just might replace it with
// a gaussian elimination some time.
mat4 InvertMat4(mat4 a)
mat4 b;
float c=a.m[0],d=a.m[1],e=a.m[2],g=a.m[3],
return b;
// Two convenient printing functions suggested by Christian Luckey 2015.
// Added printMat3 2019.
void printMat4(mat4 m)
unsigned int i;
printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int n = i * 4;
printf("| %11.5f\t| %11.5f\t| %11.5f\t| %11.5f\t|\n",
m.m[n], m.m[n+1], m.m[n+2], m.m[n+3]);
printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
void printMat3(mat3 m)
unsigned int i;
printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int n = i * 3;
printf("| %11.5f\t| %11.5f\t| %11.5f\t| \n",
m.m[n], m.m[n+1], m.m[n+2]);
printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
void printVec3(vec3 in)
printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", in.x, in.y, in.z);