 // Little OBJ loader
 // Ingemar's little OBJ loader
 // Formerly named LoadOBJ or loadobj
 // by Ingemar Ragnemalm 2005, 2008, 2019, 2021
 // Original version 2005 was extremely simple and intended for use with old OpenGL immediate mode.
 // Additions and reorganization by Mikael Kalms 2008
 // 120913: Revised LoadModelPlus/DrawModel by Jens.
 // Partially corrected formatting. (It is a mess!)
 // 130227: Error reporting in DrawModel
 // 130422: Added ScaleModel
 // 150909: Frees up temporary "Mesh" memory i LoadModel. Thanks to Simon Keisala for finding this!
 // Added DisposeModel. Limited the number of error printouts, thanks to Rasmus Hytter for this suggestion!
 // 160302: Uses fopen_s on Windows, as suggested by Jesper Post. Should reduce warnings a bit.
 // 160510: Uses calloc instead of malloc (for safety) in many places where it could possibly cause problems.
 // 170406: Added "const" to string arguments to make C++ happier.
 // 190416: free mesh->coordStarts properly.
 // 191110: Finally! Multi-part OBJ files work! Renamed LoadModelPlus to LoadModel.
 // and added LoadModelSet! The old LoadModel was removed. Converted to use vec2/vec3
 // instead of arrays of float. It is now dependent on VectorUtils3. If you want to
 // make it independent of VectorUtils3, only a few structs and functions have to be replaced.
 // MTL support working! Parser totally rewritten. Officially renamed to Ingemars Little OBJ Loader,
 // LOL for short! And boy did I find a nice acronym!
 // 210125: Corrected types in LoadDataToModel. Corrected material disposal in the still badly tested DisposeModel.
 // 210218: Allows TAB between parts of string.
 // 210304: Corrected bad allocation size on row 538, found by Jens Lindgren, who also found glDeleteVertexArrays in DisposeModel.
 // 210422: Change by Felicia Castenbrandt, around row 415, copy path or source. This change is likely to be needed in some other places.
 // 210502: Dispose the material name list, omission found by Jens Lindgren.
 // Usage:
 // Load simple models with LoadModel. Multi-part models are loaded with LoadModelSet.
 // DrawModel will draw the model, or, for a multi-part model, one part.
 // If you need to modify a model on the CPU, you can do that and re-upload
 // with LoadDataToModel.
 // There is no longer any call that only loads the data, but you can
 // make your own by taking out the GPU upload from LoadModel.
 // This is free software. I appreciate credits in derivate products or
 // if it is used in public products.
 #include "LittleOBJLoader.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include "VectorUtils3.h"
 #if defined(_WIN32)
 	#define sscanf sscanf_s
 static char atLineEnd = 0;
 static char atFileEnd = 0;
 static char ParseString(char *line, int *pos, char *s)
 	int i = 0;
 	char c;
 	c = line[(*pos)++];
 	while (c == 32 || c == 9) // Important change 210218
 		c = line[(*pos)++]; // Skip leading spaces
 	while (c != 0 && c != 32 && c != 9  && c != EOF && c != '/' && i < 254)
 		s[i++] = c;
 		c = line[(*pos)++];
 	atLineEnd = (c == 0);
 	s[i] = 0;
 	return c;
 static float ParseFloat(char *line, int *pos)
 	float floatValue = 0.0;
 	char s[255];
 	ParseString(line, pos, s);
 	sscanf(s, "%f", &floatValue);
 	if (isnan(floatValue) || isinf(floatValue))
 		floatValue = 0.0;
 	return floatValue;
 static int ParseInt(char *line, int *pos, char *endc)
 	int intValue = 0;
 	char s[255];
 	char c = ParseString(line, pos, s);
 	if (endc != NULL) *endc = c;
 	if (strlen(s) == 0)
 		intValue = -1; // Nothing found!
 		sscanf(s, "%d", &intValue);
 	return intValue;
 static vec3 ParseVec3(char *line, int *pos)
 	vec3 v;
 	v.x = ParseFloat(line, pos);
 	v.y = ParseFloat(line, pos);
 	v.z = ParseFloat(line, pos);
 	return v;
 void ParseLine(FILE *fp, char *line)
 	int i, j;
 	char c = '_';
 	for (i = 0, j= 0; i < 2048; i++)
 		c = getc(fp);
 		if (c != 10 && c != 13)
 			line[j++] = c;
 		if (c == EOF || ((c == 10 || c == 13) && j > 0))
 			if (c == EOF)
 				atFileEnd = 1;
 			line[j] = 0;
 	line[j] = 0;
 // Dispose the strings in the materials list
 static void DisposeMtlList(Mtl **materials)
 	if (materials != NULL)
 	for (int i = 0; materials[i] != NULL; i++)
 static Mtl **ParseMTL(char *filename)
 	Mtl *m;
 	char s[255];
 	char line[2048];
 	int pos;
 	Mtl **materials = NULL;
 	FILE *fp;
 	// It seems Windows/VS doesn't like fopen any more, but fopen_s is not on the others.
 	#if defined(_WIN32)
 	fopen_s(&fp, filename, "r");
 	fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); // rw works everywhere except Windows?
 	if (fp == NULL)
 		return NULL;
 	atLineEnd = 0;
 	atFileEnd = 0;
 	int matcount = 0;
 	while (!atFileEnd)
 		ParseLine(fp, line);
 		pos = 0;
 		ParseString(line, &pos, s);
 		if (strcmp(s, "newmtl") == 0)
 	materials = (Mtl **)calloc(sizeof(MtlPtr)*(matcount+1), 1);
 	matcount = 0;
 	atLineEnd = 0;
 	atFileEnd = 0;
 	while (!atFileEnd)
 		ParseLine(fp, line);
 		pos = 0;
 		ParseString(line, &pos, s);
 		if (strcmp(s, "newmtl") == 0)
 			materials[matcount-1] = (Mtl *)calloc(sizeof(Mtl),1);
 			m = materials[matcount-1];
 			materials[matcount] = NULL;
 			ParseString(line, &pos, m->newmtl);
 		if (m != NULL)
 			if (strcmp(s, "Ka") == 0)
 				m->Ka = ParseVec3(line, &pos);
 			if (strcmp(s, "Kd") == 0)
 				m->Kd = ParseVec3(line, &pos);
 			if (strcmp(s, "Ks") == 0)
 				m->Ks = ParseVec3(line, &pos);
 			if (strcmp(s, "Ke") == 0)
 				m->Ke = ParseVec3(line, &pos);
 			if (strcmp(s, "Tr") == 0)
 				m->Tr = ParseFloat(line, &pos);
 				m->d = 1 - m->Tr;
 			if (strcmp(s, "d") == 0)
 				m->d = ParseFloat(line, &pos);
 				m->Tr = 1 - m->d;
 			if (strcmp(s, "illum") == 0)
 				m->illum = ParseInt(line, &pos, NULL);
 			if (strcmp(s, "map_Ka") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_Ka);
 			if (strcmp(s, "map_Kd") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_Kd);
 			if (strcmp(s, "map_Ks") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_Ks);
 			if (strcmp(s, "map_Ke") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_Ke);
 			if (strcmp(s, "map_d") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_d);
 			if (strcmp(s, "map_bump") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_bump);
 			if (strcmp(s, "bump") == 0)
 				ParseString(line, &pos, m->map_bump);
 	return materials;
 typedef struct Mesh
 	vec3	*vertices;
 	int		vertexCount;
 	vec3	*vertexNormals;
 	int		normalsCount;
 	vec2	*textureCoords;
 	int		texCount;
 	int		*coordIndex;
 	int		*normalsIndex;
 	int		*textureIndex;
 	int		coordCount; // Number of indices in each index struct
 	// Borders between groups
 	int		*coordStarts;
 	int		groupCount;
 	char	*materialName;
 } Mesh, *MeshPtr;
 // Globals set by LoadObj
 static int vertCount, texCount, normalsCount, coordCount;
 static int zeroFix;
 static char hasPositionIndices;
 static char hasNormalIndices;
 static char hasTexCoordIndices;
 // List of materials
 Mtl **gMaterials;
 char **gMtlNameList;
 char *gMtlLibName = NULL;
 static char ParseOBJ(const char *filename, MeshPtr theMesh)
 	int lastCoordCount = -1;
 	FILE *fp;
 	// It seems Windows/VS doesn't like fopen any more, but fopen_s is not on the others.
 	#if defined(_WIN32)
 	fopen_s(&fp, filename, "r");
 	fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); // rw works everywhere except Windows?
 	if (fp == NULL)
 		return -1;
 // These must be taken care of by the caller!
 	atLineEnd = 0;
 	atFileEnd = 0;
 	while (!atFileEnd)
 		char line[2048];
 		ParseLine(fp, line);
 		int pos = 0;
 		char s[256];
 		ParseString(line, &pos, s);
 		if (strcmp(s, "v") == 0)
 			vec3 v = ParseVec3(line, &pos);
 			if (theMesh->vertices != NULL)
 				theMesh->vertices[vertCount++] = v;
 				vertCount += 1;
 		if (strcmp(s, "vn") == 0)
 			vec3 v = ParseVec3(line, &pos);			
 			if (theMesh->vertexNormals != NULL)
 				theMesh->vertexNormals[normalsCount++] = v;
 				normalsCount += 1;
 		if (strcmp(s, "vt") == 0)
 			vec3 v = ParseVec3(line, &pos);
 			if (theMesh->textureCoords != NULL)
 				theMesh->textureCoords[texCount].x = v.x;
 				theMesh->textureCoords[texCount++].y = v.y;
 				texCount += 1;
 		if (strcmp(s, "f") == 0)
 		// Unknown number of singeltons or triplets!
 			int p = -1;
 			int i = -1;
 			int p1;
 			char *ns;
 			char done = 0;
 			for (i = pos ; !done; pos++)
 				if (line[pos] == 0)
 					done = 1;
 				if (p >= 0) // in triplet)
 					char c = line[pos];
 					if (c == '/' || c == ' ' || c == 0)
 						ns = &line[p1]; // Start of substring
 						line[pos] = 0; // End of substring
 						if (p1 != pos)
 							i = atoi(ns);
 							if (i == 0)
 								zeroFix = 1;
 							if (i < 0)
 								switch (p)
 									case 0: i = vertCount + i + 1; break;
 									case 1: i = texCount + i + 1; break;
 									case 2: i = normalsCount + i + 1; break;
 							i = i + zeroFix;
 							i = 0; // -1
 						if (i > 0)
 						switch (p)
 							case 0:
 								if (theMesh->coordIndex != NULL)
 									theMesh->coordIndex[coordCount-1] = i-1;
 							case 1:
 								if (theMesh->textureIndex != NULL)
 									if (i >= 0)
 										theMesh->textureIndex[coordCount-1] = i-1;
 								hasTexCoordIndices = 1;
 							case 2:
 								if (theMesh->normalsIndex != NULL)
 									if (i >= 0)
 										theMesh->normalsIndex[coordCount-1] = i-1;
 								hasNormalIndices = 1;
 						p1 = pos + 1;
 					if (c == ' ')
 						p = -1; // Next triplet
 				else // Wait for non-space
 				if (line[pos] != ' ')
 					if (!done)
 					p = 0; // Triplet starts!
 					p1 = pos;
 			if (theMesh->coordIndex != NULL)
 				theMesh->coordIndex[coordCount] = -1;
 			if (theMesh->textureIndex != NULL)
 				theMesh->textureIndex[coordCount] = -1;
 			if (theMesh->normalsIndex != NULL)
 				theMesh->normalsIndex[coordCount] = -1;
 		if (strcmp(s, "mtllib") == 0)
 			// Save file name for later
 			char libname[256];
 			// Added by Felicia Castenbrandt: Get path of main file, if any
         	char temp[255];
 			int index = 0;
 			//find index of last /
 			for(int i = 0; i < strlen(filename); i++)
 				if(filename[i] == '/')
 					index = i;
 			//copy everything before the last / to temp
 			if (index != 0)
 				for(int i = 0; i < index+1; i++)
 					char ch = filename[i];
 					strncat(temp, &ch, 1);
 			// End of addition
 			/*char c =*/ ParseString(line, &pos, libname);
 			gMtlLibName = (char *)malloc(strlen(libname)+1);
 #if defined(_WIN32)
 			strcpy_s(gMtlLibName, strlen(libname) + 1, libname);
 			strcpy(gMtlLibName, libname);
 		if (strcmp(s, "usemtl") == 0)
 			// Groups are only identified by usemtl!
 			if (coordCount > 0) // If no data has been seen, this must be the first group!
 				if (lastCoordCount != coordCount) // must not be the same; empty group (happens if a model has both "g" and "o")
 					theMesh->groupCount += 1;
 					if (theMesh->coordStarts != NULL) // NULL if we are just counting
 						theMesh->coordStarts[theMesh->groupCount] = coordCount;
 					lastCoordCount = coordCount;
 					printf("Ignored part!\n");
 			if (gMtlNameList != NULL)
 				// Save matname for later
 				char matname[255];
 				ParseString(line, &pos, matname);
 				gMtlNameList[theMesh->groupCount] = (char *)malloc(strlen(matname)+1);
 #if defined(_WIN32)
 				strcpy_s(gMtlNameList[theMesh->groupCount], strlen(matname) + 1, matname);
 				strcpy(gMtlNameList[theMesh->groupCount], matname);
 	} // While
 	// Add last groups *if* there was more data since last time!
 	if (coordCount > lastCoordCount)
 		theMesh->groupCount += 1; // End of last group
 		if (theMesh->coordStarts != NULL)
 			theMesh->coordStarts[theMesh->groupCount] = coordCount;
 	if (gMtlLibName != NULL)
 		gMaterials = ParseMTL(gMtlLibName);
 	// else try based on filename: filename.obj -> filename.mtl or filename_obj.mtl
 	if (gMaterials == NULL)
 	if (strlen(filename) > 4)
 		char tryname[255];
 		strcpy(tryname, filename);
 		tryname[strlen(tryname) - 4] = '_';
 		strcat(tryname, ".mtl");
 		gMaterials = ParseMTL(tryname);
 	if (gMaterials == NULL)
 	if (strlen(filename) > 4)
 		char tmpname[255];
 		strcpy(tmpname, filename);
 		tmpname[strlen(tmpname) - 4] = 0;
 		strcat(tmpname, ".mtl");
 		gMaterials = ParseMTL(tmpname);
 	return 0;
 // Load raw, unprocessed OBJ data!
 static struct Mesh * LoadOBJ(const char *filename)
 	// Reads once to find sizes, again to fill buffers
 	Mesh *theMesh;
 	// Allocate Mesh but not the buffers
 	theMesh = (Mesh *)calloc(sizeof(Mesh), 1);
 	hasPositionIndices = 1;
 	hasTexCoordIndices = 0;
 	hasNormalIndices = 0;
 	theMesh->coordStarts = NULL;
 	theMesh->groupCount = 0;
 	gMtlNameList = NULL;
 // Dispose if they exist!
 	gMtlLibName = NULL;
 	gMaterials = NULL;
 	zeroFix = 0;
 	// Parse for size
 	ParseOBJ(filename, theMesh);
 	// Allocate arrays!
 	if (vertCount > 0)
 		theMesh->vertices = (vec3 *)malloc(sizeof(vec3) * vertCount);
 	if (texCount > 0)
 		theMesh->textureCoords = (vec2 *)malloc(sizeof(vec2) * texCount);
 	if (normalsCount > 0)
 		theMesh->vertexNormals = (vec3 *)malloc(sizeof(vec3) * normalsCount);
 	if (hasPositionIndices)
 		theMesh->coordIndex = (int *)calloc(coordCount, sizeof(int));
 	if (hasNormalIndices)
 		theMesh->normalsIndex = (int *)calloc(coordCount, sizeof(int));
 	if (hasTexCoordIndices)
 		theMesh->textureIndex = (int *)calloc(coordCount, sizeof(int));
 	gMtlNameList = (char **)calloc(sizeof(char *) * (theMesh->groupCount+1), 1);
 	theMesh->coordStarts = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int) * (theMesh->groupCount+2), 1); // Length found on last pass
 	theMesh->groupCount = 0;
 	// Zero again
 	// Parse again for filling buffers
 	ParseOBJ(filename, theMesh);
 	theMesh->vertexCount = vertCount;
 	theMesh->coordCount = coordCount;
 	theMesh->texCount = texCount;
 	theMesh->normalsCount = normalsCount;
 	return theMesh;
 void DecomposeToTriangles(struct Mesh *theMesh)
 	int i, vertexCount, triangleCount;
 	int *newCoords, *newNormalsIndex, *newTextureIndex;
 	int newIndex = 0; // Index in newCoords
 	int first = 0;
 	// 1.1 Calculate how big the list will become
 	vertexCount = 0; // Number of vertices in current polygon
 	triangleCount = 0; // Resulting number of triangles
 	for (i = 0; i < theMesh->coordCount; i++)
 		if (theMesh->coordIndex[i] == -1)
 		if (vertexCount > 2) triangleCount += vertexCount - 2;
 			vertexCount = 0;
 			vertexCount = vertexCount + 1;
 	newCoords = (int *)calloc(triangleCount * 3, sizeof(int));
 	if (theMesh->normalsIndex != NULL)
 		newNormalsIndex = (int *)calloc(triangleCount * 3, sizeof(int));
 	if (theMesh->textureIndex != NULL)
 		newTextureIndex = (int *)calloc(triangleCount * 3, sizeof(int));
 	// 1.2 Loop through old list and write the new one
 	// Almost same loop but now it has space to write the result
 	vertexCount = 0;
 	for (i = 0; i < theMesh->coordCount; i++)
 		if (theMesh->coordIndex[i] == -1)
 			first = i + 1;
 			vertexCount = 0;
 			vertexCount = vertexCount + 1;
 			if (vertexCount > 2)
 				newCoords[newIndex++] = theMesh->coordIndex[first];
 				newCoords[newIndex++] = theMesh->coordIndex[i-1];
 				newCoords[newIndex++] = theMesh->coordIndex[i];
 				if (theMesh->normalsIndex != NULL)
 					newNormalsIndex[newIndex-3] = theMesh->normalsIndex[first];
 					newNormalsIndex[newIndex-2] = theMesh->normalsIndex[i-1];
 					newNormalsIndex[newIndex-1] = theMesh->normalsIndex[i];
 				if (theMesh->textureIndex != NULL)
 					newTextureIndex[newIndex-3] = theMesh->textureIndex[first];
 					newTextureIndex[newIndex-2] = theMesh->textureIndex[i-1];
 					newTextureIndex[newIndex-1] = theMesh->textureIndex[i];
 	theMesh->coordIndex = newCoords;
 	theMesh->coordCount = triangleCount * 3;
 	if (theMesh->normalsIndex != NULL)
 		theMesh->normalsIndex = newNormalsIndex;
 	if (theMesh->textureIndex != NULL)
 		theMesh->textureIndex = newTextureIndex;
 } // DecomposeToTriangles
 static void GenerateNormals(Mesh* mesh)
 	// If model has vertices but no vertexnormals, generate normals
 	if (mesh->vertices && !mesh->vertexNormals)
 		int face;
 		int normalIndex;
 		mesh->vertexNormals = (vec3 *)calloc(sizeof(vec3) * mesh->vertexCount, 1);
 		mesh->normalsCount = mesh->vertexCount;
 		mesh->normalsIndex = (int *)calloc(mesh->coordCount, sizeof(GLuint));
 		memcpy(mesh->normalsIndex, mesh->coordIndex, sizeof(GLuint) * mesh->coordCount);
 		for (face = 0; face * 3 < mesh->coordCount; face++)
 			int i0 = mesh->coordIndex[face * 3 + 0];
 			int i1 = mesh->coordIndex[face * 3 + 1];
 			int i2 = mesh->coordIndex[face * 3 + 2];
 			vec3 v0 = VectorSub(mesh->vertices[i1], mesh->vertices[i0]);
 			vec3 v1 = VectorSub(mesh->vertices[i2], mesh->vertices[i0]);
 			vec3 v2 = VectorSub(mesh->vertices[i2], mesh->vertices[i1]);
 			float sqrLen0 = dot(v0, v0);
 			float sqrLen1 = dot(v1, v1);
 			float sqrLen2 = dot(v2, v2);
 			float len0 = (sqrLen0 >= 1e-6f) ? sqrt(sqrLen0) : 1e-3f;
 			float len1 = (sqrLen1 >= 1e-6f) ? sqrt(sqrLen1) : 1e-3f;
 			float len2 = (sqrLen2 >= 1e-6f) ? sqrt(sqrLen2) : 1e-3f;
 			float influence0 = dot(v0, v1) / (len0 * len1);
 			float influence1 = -dot(v0, v2) / (len0 * len2);
 			float influence2 = dot(v1, v2) / (len1 * len2);
 			float angle0 = (influence0 >= 1.f) ? 0 : 
 				(influence0 <= -1.f) ? M_PI : acos(influence0);
 			float angle1 = (influence1 >= 1.f) ? 0 : 
 				(influence1 <= -1.f) ? M_PI : acos(influence1);
 			float angle2 = (influence2 >= 1.f) ? 0 : 
 				(influence2 <= -1.f) ? M_PI : acos(influence2);
 			vec3 normal = cross(v0, v1);
 			mesh->vertexNormals[i0] = VectorAdd(ScalarMult(normal, angle0), mesh->vertexNormals[i0]);
 			mesh->vertexNormals[i1] = VectorAdd(ScalarMult(normal, angle1), mesh->vertexNormals[i1]);
 			mesh->vertexNormals[i2] = VectorAdd(ScalarMult(normal, angle2), mesh->vertexNormals[i2]);
 		for (normalIndex = 0; normalIndex < mesh->normalsCount; normalIndex++)
 			float length = Norm(mesh->vertexNormals[normalIndex]);
 			if (length > 0.01f)
 				mesh->vertexNormals[normalIndex] = ScalarMult(mesh->vertexNormals[normalIndex], 1/length);
 static Model* GenerateModel(Mesh* mesh)
 	// Convert from Mesh format (multiple index lists) to Model format
 	// (one index list) by generating a new set of vertices/indices
 	// and where new vertices have been created whenever necessary
 	typedef struct
 		int positionIndex;
 		int normalIndex;
 		int texCoordIndex;
 		int newIndex;
 	} IndexTriplet;
 	int hashGap = 6;
 	int indexHashMapSize = (mesh->vertexCount * hashGap + mesh->coordCount);
 	IndexTriplet* indexHashMap = (IndexTriplet *)malloc(sizeof(IndexTriplet)
 							* indexHashMapSize);
 	int numNewVertices = 0;
 	int index;
 	int maxValue = 0;
 	Model* model = (Model *)malloc(sizeof(Model));
 	memset(model, 0, sizeof(Model));
 	model->indexArray = (GLuint *)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * mesh->coordCount);
 	model->numIndices = mesh->coordCount;
 	memset(indexHashMap, 0xff, sizeof(IndexTriplet) * indexHashMapSize);
 	for (index = 0; index < mesh->coordCount; index++)
 		IndexTriplet currentVertex = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
 		int insertPos = 0;
 		if (mesh->coordIndex)
 			currentVertex.positionIndex = mesh->coordIndex[index];
 		if (mesh->normalsIndex)
 			currentVertex.normalIndex = mesh->normalsIndex[index];
 		if (mesh->textureIndex)
 			currentVertex.texCoordIndex = mesh->textureIndex[index];
 		if (maxValue < currentVertex.texCoordIndex)
 			maxValue = currentVertex.texCoordIndex;
 		if (currentVertex.positionIndex >= 0)
 			insertPos = currentVertex.positionIndex * hashGap;
 		while (1)
 			if (indexHashMap[insertPos].newIndex == -1)
 					currentVertex.newIndex = numNewVertices++;
 					indexHashMap[insertPos] = currentVertex;
 			else if (indexHashMap[insertPos].positionIndex
 				 == currentVertex.positionIndex
 				 && indexHashMap[insertPos].normalIndex
 				 == currentVertex.normalIndex
 				 && indexHashMap[insertPos].texCoordIndex
 				 == currentVertex.texCoordIndex)
 					currentVertex.newIndex = indexHashMap[insertPos].newIndex;
 		model->indexArray[index] = currentVertex.newIndex;
 	if (mesh->vertices)
 		model->vertexArray = (vec3 *)malloc(sizeof(vec3) * numNewVertices);
 	if (mesh->vertexNormals)
 		model->normalArray = (vec3 *)malloc(sizeof(vec3) * numNewVertices);
 	if (mesh->textureCoords)
 		model->texCoordArray = (vec2 *)malloc(sizeof(vec2) * numNewVertices);
 	model->numVertices = numNewVertices;
 	for (index = 0; index < indexHashMapSize; index++)
 		if (indexHashMap[index].newIndex != -1)
 			if (mesh->vertices)
 				model->vertexArray[indexHashMap[index].newIndex] = mesh->vertices[indexHashMap[index].positionIndex];
 			if (mesh->vertexNormals)
 				model->normalArray[indexHashMap[index].newIndex] = mesh->vertexNormals[indexHashMap[index].normalIndex];
 			if (mesh->textureCoords)
 				model->texCoordArray[indexHashMap[index].newIndex] = mesh->textureCoords[indexHashMap[index].texCoordIndex];
 	// If there is a material set, match materials to parts
 	if (gMaterials != NULL)
 	if (mesh->materialName != NULL)
 		for (int ii = 0; gMaterials[ii] != NULL; ii++)
 			Mtl *mtl = gMaterials[ii];
 			if (strcmp(mesh->materialName, mtl->newmtl) == 0)
 				// Copy mtl to model!
 				model->material = (Mtl *)malloc(sizeof(Mtl));
 				memcpy(model->material, mtl, sizeof(Mtl));
 				strcpy(model->material->map_Ka, mtl->map_Ka);
 				strcpy(model->material->map_Kd, mtl->map_Kd);
 				strcpy(model->material->map_Ks, mtl->map_Ks);
 				strcpy(model->material->map_Ke, mtl->map_Ke);
 				strcpy(model->material->map_Ns, mtl->map_Ns);
 				strcpy(model->material->map_d, mtl->map_d);
 				strcpy(model->material->map_bump, mtl->map_bump);
 	return model;
 Mesh **SplitToMeshes(Mesh *m)
 	int * mapc = (int *)malloc(m->vertexCount * sizeof(int));
 	int * mapt = (int *)malloc(m->texCount * sizeof(int));
 	int * mapn = (int *)malloc(m->normalsCount * sizeof(int));
 	if (m == NULL || m ->vertices == NULL || m->vertexCount == 0)
 		printf("Illegal mesh!\n");
 		return NULL;
 	Mesh **mm = (Mesh **)calloc(sizeof(Mesh *), m->groupCount+2);
 	for (int mi = 0; mi < m->groupCount; mi++) // For all sections
 		int from = m->coordStarts[mi];
 		int to = m->coordStarts[mi+1];
 		mm[mi] = (Mesh *)calloc(sizeof(Mesh), 1); // allocate struct
 		// Fill mapc, mapt, mapn with -1 (illegal index)
 		for (int ii = 0; ii < m->vertexCount; ii++)
 			mapc[ii] = -1;
 		for (int ii = 0; ii < m->texCount; ii++)
 			mapt[ii] = -1;
 		for (int ii = 0; ii < m->normalsCount; ii++)
 			mapn[ii] = -1;
 		// Count number of entries needed
 		int intVertexCount = 0;
 		int intTexCount = 0;
 		int intNormalsCount = 0;
 		for (int j = from; j < to; j++) // For all index triplets
 			int ix = m->coordIndex[j];
 			if (ix > -1)
 				if (mapc[ix] == -1)
 					mapc[ix] = ix;
 			if (m->textureIndex != NULL)
 				ix = m->textureIndex[j];
 				if (ix > -1)
 					if (mapt[ix] == -1)
 						mapt[ix] = ix;
 			if (m->normalsIndex != NULL)
 				ix = m->normalsIndex[j];
 				if (ix > -1)
 					if (mapn[ix] == -1)
 						mapn[ix] = ix;
 		// Allocate buffers
 		mm[mi]->coordIndex = (int *)malloc((to - from) * sizeof(int));
 		mm[mi]->textureIndex = (int *)malloc((to - from) * sizeof(int));
 		mm[mi]->normalsIndex = (int *)malloc((to - from) * sizeof(int));
 		if (intVertexCount > 0)
 			mm[mi]->vertices = (vec3 *)malloc(intVertexCount * sizeof(vec3));
 		if (intTexCount > 0)
 			mm[mi]->textureCoords = (vec2 *)malloc(intTexCount * sizeof(vec2));
 		if (intNormalsCount > 0)
 			mm[mi]->vertexNormals = (vec3 *)malloc(intNormalsCount * sizeof(vec3));
 		mm[mi]->vertexCount = intVertexCount;
 		mm[mi]->texCount = intTexCount;
 		mm[mi]->normalsCount = intNormalsCount;
 		// Fill mapc, mapt, mapn with -1 (illegal index)
 		for (int ii = 0; ii < m->vertexCount; ii++)
 			mapc[ii] = -1;
 		for (int ii = 0; ii < m->texCount; ii++)
 			mapt[ii] = -1;
 		for (int ii = 0; ii < m->normalsCount; ii++)
 			mapn[ii] = -1;
 		int mapcCount = 0;
 		int maptCount = 0;
 		int mapnCount = 0;
 		for (int j = from; j < to; j++) // For all index triplets
 			int ix = m->coordIndex[j];
 			if (ix > -1)
 				if (mapc[ix] == -1) // Unmapped
 					mapc[ix] = mapcCount++;
 					mm[mi]->vertices[mapc[ix]] = m->vertices[ix]; // Copy vertex to mm[i]
 				mm[mi]->coordIndex[j-from] = mapc[ix];
 			else // Separator
 				mm[mi]->coordIndex[j-from] = -1;
 			if (m->textureIndex != NULL)
 			if (mm[mi]->textureIndex != NULL)
 				ix = m->textureIndex[j];
 				if (ix > -1)
 					if (mapt[ix] == -1) // Unmapped
 						mapt[ix] = maptCount++;
 						mm[mi]->textureCoords[mapt[ix]] = m->textureCoords[ix]; // Copy vertex to mm[i]
 					mm[mi]->textureIndex[j-from] = mapt[ix];
 				else // Separator
 					mm[mi]->textureIndex[j-from] = -1;
 			if (m->normalsIndex != NULL)
 			if (mm[mi]->normalsIndex != NULL)
 				ix = m->normalsIndex[j];
 				if (ix > -1)
 					if (mapn[ix] == -1) // Unmapped
 						mapn[ix] = mapnCount++;
 						mm[mi]->vertexNormals[mapn[ix]] = m->vertexNormals[ix]; // Copy vertex to mm[i]
 					mm[mi]->normalsIndex[j-from] = mapn[ix];
 				else // Separator
 					mm[mi]->normalsIndex[j-from] = -1;
 		} // for all index triplets
 		mm[mi]->coordCount = to - from;
 		if (gMtlNameList != NULL)
 			mm[mi]->materialName = gMtlNameList[mi];
 			gMtlNameList[mi] = NULL; // No longer "owned" by the gMtlNameList
 	} // for all parts
 	return mm;
 static void DisposeMesh(Mesh *mesh)
 // Free the mesh!
 	if (mesh != NULL)
 		if (mesh->vertices != NULL)
 		if (mesh->vertexNormals != NULL)
 		if (mesh->textureCoords != NULL)
 		if (mesh->coordIndex != NULL)
 		if (mesh->normalsIndex != NULL)
 		if (mesh->textureIndex != NULL)
 #if !defined(_WIN32)
 // This is very disturbing, causes heap corruption on Windows. Reason not found.
 		if (mesh->coordStarts != NULL)
 		if (mesh->materialName != NULL)
 // Dispose the material name list too
 		if (gMtlNameList != NULL)
 			for (int i = 0; i < mesh->groupCount; i++)
 				if (gMtlNameList[i] != NULL)
 			gMtlNameList = NULL;
 void CenterModel(Model *m)
 	int i;
 	float maxx = -1e10, maxy = -1e10, maxz = -1e10, minx = 1e10, miny = 1e10, minz = 1e10;
 	for (i = 0; i < m->numVertices; i++)
 		if (m->vertexArray[i].x < minx) minx = m->vertexArray[i].x;
 		if (m->vertexArray[i].x > maxx) maxx = m->vertexArray[i].x;
 		if (m->vertexArray[i].y < miny) miny = m->vertexArray[i].y;
 		if (m->vertexArray[i].y > maxy) maxy = m->vertexArray[i].y;
 		if (m->vertexArray[i].z < minz) minz = m->vertexArray[i].z;
 		if (m->vertexArray[i].z > maxz) maxz = m->vertexArray[i].z;
 	for (i = 0; i < m->numVertices; i++)
 		m->vertexArray[i].x -= (maxx + minx)/2.0f;
 		m->vertexArray[i].y -= (maxy + miny)/2.0f;
 		m->vertexArray[i].z -= (maxz + minz)/2.0f;
 void ScaleModel(Model *m, float sx, float sy, float sz)
 	long i;
 	for (i = 0; i < m->numVertices; i++)
 		m->vertexArray[i].x *= sx;
 		m->vertexArray[i].y *= sy;
 		m->vertexArray[i].z *= sz;
 static void ReportRerror(const char *caller, const char *name)
 	static unsigned int draw_error_counter = 0; 
    if(draw_error_counter < NUM_DRAWMODEL_ERROR)
 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s warning: '%s' not found in shader!\n", caller, name);
    else if(draw_error_counter == NUM_DRAWMODEL_ERROR)
 		    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Number of error bigger than %i. No more vill be printed.\n", caller, NUM_DRAWMODEL_ERROR);
 // This code makes a lot of calls for rebinding variables just in case,
 // and to get attribute locations. This is clearly not optimal, but the
 // goal is stability.
 void DrawModel(Model *m, GLuint program, const char* vertexVariableName, const char* normalVariableName, const char* texCoordVariableName)
 	if (m != NULL)
 		GLint loc;
 		glBindVertexArray(m->vao);	// Select VAO
 		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->vb);
 		loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, vertexVariableName);
 		if (loc >= 0)
 			glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0); 
 			ReportRerror("DrawModel", vertexVariableName);
 		if (normalVariableName!=NULL)
 			loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, normalVariableName);
 			if (loc >= 0)
 				glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->nb);
 				glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
 				ReportRerror("DrawModel", normalVariableName);
 		if ((m->texCoordArray != NULL)&&(texCoordVariableName != NULL))
 			loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, texCoordVariableName);
 			if (loc >= 0)
 				glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->tb);
 				glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
 				ReportRerror("DrawModel", texCoordVariableName);
 		glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m->numIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0L);
 void DrawWireframeModel(Model *m, GLuint program, const char* vertexVariableName, const char* normalVariableName, const char* texCoordVariableName)
 	if (m != NULL)
 		GLint loc;
 		glBindVertexArray(m->vao);	// Select VAO
 		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->vb);
 		loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, vertexVariableName);
 		if (loc >= 0)
 			glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0); 
 			ReportRerror("DrawWireframeModel", vertexVariableName);
 		if (normalVariableName!=NULL)
 			loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, normalVariableName);
 			if (loc >= 0)
 				glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->nb);
 				glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
 				ReportRerror("DrawWireframeModel", normalVariableName);
 		if ((m->texCoordArray != NULL)&&(texCoordVariableName != NULL))
 			loc = glGetAttribLocation(program, texCoordVariableName);
 			if (loc >= 0)
 				glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->tb);
 				glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
 				ReportRerror("DrawWireframeModel", texCoordVariableName);
 		glDrawElements(GL_LINE_STRIP, m->numIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0L);
 // Called from LoadModel, LoadModelSet and LoadDataToModel
 // VAO and VBOs must already exist!
 // Useful by its own when the model changes on CPU
 void ReloadModelData(Model *m)
 	// VBO for vertex data
 	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->vb);
 	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->numVertices*3*sizeof(GLfloat), m->vertexArray, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
 	// VBO for normal data
 	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->nb);
 	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->numVertices*3*sizeof(GLfloat), m->normalArray, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
 	// VBO for texture coordinate data NEW for 5b
 	if (m->texCoordArray != NULL)
 		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->tb);
 		glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->numVertices*2*sizeof(GLfloat), m->texCoordArray, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
 	glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->ib);
 	glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->numIndices*sizeof(GLuint), m->indexArray, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
 static void GenModelBuffers(Model *m)
 	glGenVertexArrays(1, &m->vao);
 	glGenBuffers(1, &m->vb);
 	glGenBuffers(1, &m->ib);
 	glGenBuffers(1, &m->nb);
 	if (m->texCoordArray != NULL)
 		glGenBuffers(1, &m->tb);
 // For simple models
 Model* LoadModel(const char* name)
 	Model* model = NULL;
 	Mesh* mesh = LoadOBJ(name);
 	model = GenerateModel(mesh);
 	return model;
 // For multiple part models
 Model** LoadModelSet(const char* name)
 	Mesh* mesh = LoadOBJ(name);
 	Mesh **mm = SplitToMeshes(mesh);
 	int i, ii;
 	for (i = 0; mm[i] != NULL; i++) {}
 	Model **md = (Model **)calloc(sizeof(Model *), i+1);
 	for (ii = 0; mm[ii] != NULL; ii++)
 		md[ii] = GenerateModel(mm[ii]);
 	gMtlNameList = NULL;
 	gMaterials = NULL;
 	for (int i = 0; md[i] != NULL; i++)
 	return md;
 // Loader for inline data to Model (almost same as LoadModelPlus)
 Model* LoadDataToModel(
 			vec3 *vertices,
 			vec3 *normals,
 			vec2 *texCoords,
 			vec3 *colors,
 			GLuint *indices,
 			int numVert,
 			int numInd)
 	Model* m = (Model *)malloc(sizeof(Model));
 	memset(m, 0, sizeof(Model));
 	m->vertexArray = vertices;
 	m->texCoordArray = texCoords;
 	m->normalArray = normals;
 	m->indexArray = indices;
 	m->numVertices = numVert;
 	m->numIndices = numInd;
 	return m;
 // Cleanup function, not tested!
 void DisposeModel(Model *m)
 	if (m != NULL)
 		if (m->vertexArray != NULL)
 		if (m->normalArray != NULL)
 		if (m->texCoordArray != NULL)
 		if (m->colorArray != NULL) // obsolete?
 		if (m->indexArray != NULL)
 		// Lazy error checking here since "glDeleteBuffers silently ignores 0's and names that do not correspond to existing buffer objects."
 		glDeleteBuffers(1, &m->vb);
 		glDeleteBuffers(1, &m->ib);
 		glDeleteBuffers(1, &m->nb);
 		glDeleteBuffers(1, &m->tb);
 		glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &m->vao);
 		if (m->material != NULL)