Patches the built-in Vim runtime files `plugin/manpager.vim` and
`ftplugin/man.vim` to work around tree issues:
1. `nocompatible` is set unconditionally, overriding options in the
vimrc. Fix it to only set it if necessary.
2. `col` fails with `col: write error` when Vim is invoked through
`man` with `$MANPAGER` (but not when starting Vim normally and
running `:Man`). The reason is unknown. Piping through `cat` fixes
the issue.
3. `man` likes to issue a lot of formatting warnings when output is
not a terminal (or when `MAN_KEEP_STDERR` is set) and the default
`shellredir` captures this. The fix is to temporarily set
`shellredir` to ignore `stderr`.
The patch:
for file in plugin/manpager.vim ftplugin/man.vim
diff -u $VIMRUNTIME/$file .vim/after/$file
--- $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/manpager.vim
+++ .vim/after/plugin/manpager.vim
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
command! -nargs=0 MANPAGER call s:ManPager() | delcommand MANPAGER
function! s:ManPager()
- set nocompatible
+ if &compatible
+ set nocompatible
+ endif
if exists('+viminfofile')
set viminfofile=NONE
--- $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/man.vim
+++ .vim/after/ftplugin/man.vim
@@ -209,8 +209,11 @@
let env_cmd = s:env_has_u ? 'env -u MANPAGER' : 'env MANPAGER=cat'
let env_cmd .= ' GROFF_NO_SGR=1'
- let man_cmd = env_cmd . ' man ' . s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) . ' | col -b'
+ let man_cmd = env_cmd . ' man ' . s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) . ' | col -b | cat'
+ let old_srr = &shellredir
+ let &shellredir = '>'
silent exec "r !" . man_cmd
+ let &shellredir = old_srr
if unsetwidth
let $MANWIDTH = ''
1 | 1 |
new file mode 100644 |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
1 |
+" Vim plugin for using Vim as manpager. |
2 |
+" Maintainer: Enno Nagel <> |
3 |
+" Last Change: 2018 Feb 04 |
4 |
+ |
5 |
+command! -nargs=0 MANPAGER call s:ManPager() | delcommand MANPAGER |
6 |
+ |
7 |
+function! s:ManPager() |
8 |
+ if &compatible |
9 |
+ set nocompatible |
10 |
+ endif |
11 |
+ if exists('+viminfofile') |
12 |
+ set viminfofile=NONE |
13 |
+ endif |
14 |
+ set noswapfile |
15 |
+ |
16 |
+ setlocal ft=man |
17 |
+ runtime ftplugin/man.vim |
18 |
+ setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide iskeyword+=: modifiable |
19 |
+ |
20 |
+ " Emulate 'col -b' |
21 |
+ silent keepj keepp %s/\v(.)\b\ze\1?//ge |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+ " Remove empty lines above the header |
24 |
+ call cursor(1, 1) |
25 |
+ let n = search(".*(.*)", "c") |
26 |
+ if n > 1 |
27 |
+ exe "1," . n-1 . "d" |
28 |
+ endif |
29 |
+ setlocal nomodified readonly |
30 |
+ |
31 |
+ syntax on |
32 |
+endfunction |
0 | 33 |
new file mode 100644 |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ |
1 |
+" Vim filetype plugin file |
2 |
+" Language: man |
3 |
+" Maintainer: Jason Franklin <> |
4 |
+" Maintainer: SungHyun Nam <> |
5 |
+" Last Change: 2020 Oct 09 |
6 |
+ |
7 |
+" To make the ":Man" command available before editing a manual page, source |
8 |
+" this script from your startup vimrc file. |
9 |
+ |
10 |
+" If 'filetype' isn't "man", we must have been called to only define ":Man". |
11 |
+if &filetype == "man" |
12 |
+ |
13 |
+ " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer |
14 |
+ if exists("b:did_ftplugin") |
15 |
+ finish |
16 |
+ endif |
17 |
+ let b:did_ftplugin = 1 |
18 |
+endif |
19 |
+ |
20 |
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo |
21 |
+set cpo-=C |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+if &filetype == "man" |
24 |
+ " allow dot and dash in manual page name. |
25 |
+ setlocal iskeyword+=\.,- |
26 |
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal iskeyword<" |
27 |
+ |
28 |
+ " Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this. |
29 |
+ if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_man_maps") |
30 |
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>ManBS') |
31 |
+ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>h <Plug>ManBS |
32 |
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin |
33 |
+ \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>h' |
34 |
+ endif |
35 |
+ nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>ManBS :%s/.\b//g<CR>:setl nomod<CR>'' |
36 |
+ |
37 |
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-]> :call <SID>PreGetPage(v:count)<CR> |
38 |
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-t> :call <SID>PopPage()<CR> |
39 |
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :q<CR> |
40 |
+ |
41 |
+ " Add undo commands for the maps |
42 |
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin |
43 |
+ \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> <Plug>ManBS' |
44 |
+ \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> <c-]>' |
45 |
+ \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> <c-t>' |
46 |
+ \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> q' |
47 |
+ endif |
48 |
+ |
49 |
+ if exists('g:ft_man_folding_enable') && (g:ft_man_folding_enable == 1) |
50 |
+ setlocal foldmethod=indent foldnestmax=1 foldenable |
51 |
+ let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin |
52 |
+ \ . '|silent! setl fdm< fdn< fen<' |
53 |
+ endif |
54 |
+ |
55 |
+endif |
56 |
+ |
57 |
+if exists(":Man") != 2 |
58 |
+ com -nargs=+ -complete=shellcmd Man call s:GetPage(<q-mods>, <f-args>) |
59 |
+ nmap <Leader>K :call <SID>PreGetPage(0)<CR> |
60 |
+ nmap <Plug>ManPreGetPage :call <SID>PreGetPage(0)<CR> |
61 |
+endif |
62 |
+ |
63 |
+" Define functions only once. |
64 |
+if !exists("s:man_tag_depth") |
65 |
+ |
66 |
+let s:man_tag_depth = 0 |
67 |
+ |
68 |
+let s:man_sect_arg = "" |
69 |
+let s:man_find_arg = "-w" |
70 |
+try |
71 |
+ if !has("win32") && $OSTYPE !~ 'cygwin\|linux' && system('uname -s') =~ "SunOS" && system('uname -r') =~ "^5" |
72 |
+ let s:man_sect_arg = "-s" |
73 |
+ let s:man_find_arg = "-l" |
74 |
+ endif |
75 |
+catch /E145:/ |
76 |
+ " Ignore the error in restricted mode |
77 |
+endtry |
78 |
+ |
79 |
+func s:PreGetPage(cnt) |
80 |
+ if a:cnt == 0 |
81 |
+ let old_isk = &iskeyword |
82 |
+ if &ft == 'man' |
83 |
+ setl iskeyword+=(,) |
84 |
+ endif |
85 |
+ let str = expand("<cword>") |
86 |
+ let &l:iskeyword = old_isk |
87 |
+ let page = substitute(str, '(*\(\k\+\).*', '\1', '') |
88 |
+ let sect = substitute(str, '\(\k\+\)(\([^()]*\)).*', '\2', '') |
89 |
+ if match(sect, '^[0-9 ]\+$') == -1 |
90 |
+ let sect = "" |
91 |
+ endif |
92 |
+ if sect == page |
93 |
+ let sect = "" |
94 |
+ endif |
95 |
+ else |
96 |
+ let sect = a:cnt |
97 |
+ let page = expand("<cword>") |
98 |
+ endif |
99 |
+ call s:GetPage('', sect, page) |
100 |
+endfunc |
101 |
+ |
102 |
+func s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) |
103 |
+ |
104 |
+ if empty(a:sect) |
105 |
+ return shellescape(a:page) |
106 |
+ endif |
107 |
+ |
108 |
+ return s:man_sect_arg . ' ' . shellescape(a:sect) . ' ' . shellescape(a:page) |
109 |
+endfunc |
110 |
+ |
111 |
+func s:FindPage(sect, page) |
112 |
+ let l:cmd = printf('man %s %s', s:man_find_arg, s:GetCmdArg(a:sect, a:page)) |
113 |
+ call system(l:cmd) |
114 |
+ |
115 |
+ if v:shell_error |
116 |
+ return 0 |
117 |
+ endif |
118 |
+ |
119 |
+ return 1 |
120 |
+endfunc |
121 |
+ |
122 |
+func s:GetPage(cmdmods, ...) |
123 |
+ if a:0 >= 2 |
124 |
+ let sect = a:1 |
125 |
+ let page = a:2 |
126 |
+ elseif a:0 >= 1 |
127 |
+ let sect = "" |
128 |
+ let page = a:1 |
129 |
+ else |
130 |
+ return |
131 |
+ endif |
132 |
+ |
133 |
+ " To support: nmap K :Man <cword> |
134 |
+ if page == '<cword>' |
135 |
+ let page = expand('<cword>') |
136 |
+ endif |
137 |
+ |
138 |
+ if !exists('g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback') || (g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback == 0) |
139 |
+ if sect != "" && s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0 |
140 |
+ let sect = "" |
141 |
+ endif |
142 |
+ endif |
143 |
+ if s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0 |
144 |
+ let msg = 'man.vim: no manual entry for "' . page . '"' |
145 |
+ if !empty(sect) |
146 |
+ let msg .= ' in section ' . sect |
147 |
+ endif |
148 |
+ echomsg msg |
149 |
+ return |
150 |
+ endif |
151 |
+ exec "let s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".bufnr("%") |
152 |
+ exec "let s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".line(".") |
153 |
+ exec "let s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".col(".") |
154 |
+ let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth + 1 |
155 |
+ |
156 |
+ let open_cmd = 'edit' |
157 |
+ |
158 |
+ " Use an existing "man" window if it exists, otherwise open a new one. |
159 |
+ if &filetype != "man" |
160 |
+ let thiswin = winnr() |
161 |
+ exe "norm! \<C-W>b" |
162 |
+ if winnr() > 1 |
163 |
+ exe "norm! " . thiswin . "\<C-W>w" |
164 |
+ while 1 |
165 |
+ if &filetype == "man" |
166 |
+ break |
167 |
+ endif |
168 |
+ exe "norm! \<C-W>w" |
169 |
+ if thiswin == winnr() |
170 |
+ break |
171 |
+ endif |
172 |
+ endwhile |
173 |
+ endif |
174 |
+ if &filetype != "man" |
175 |
+ if exists("g:ft_man_open_mode") |
176 |
+ if g:ft_man_open_mode == 'vert' |
177 |
+ let open_cmd = 'vsplit' |
178 |
+ elseif g:ft_man_open_mode == 'tab' |
179 |
+ let open_cmd = 'tabedit' |
180 |
+ else |
181 |
+ let open_cmd = 'split' |
182 |
+ endif |
183 |
+ else |
184 |
+ let open_cmd = a:cmdmods . ' split' |
185 |
+ endif |
186 |
+ endif |
187 |
+ endif |
188 |
+ |
189 |
+ silent execute open_cmd . " $HOME/" . page . '.' . sect . '~' |
190 |
+ |
191 |
+ " Avoid warning for editing the dummy file twice |
192 |
+ setl buftype=nofile noswapfile |
193 |
+ |
194 |
+ setl fdc=0 ma nofen nonu nornu |
195 |
+ %delete _ |
196 |
+ let unsetwidth = 0 |
197 |
+ if empty($MANWIDTH) |
198 |
+ let $MANWIDTH = winwidth(0) |
199 |
+ let unsetwidth = 1 |
200 |
+ endif |
201 |
+ |
202 |
+ " Ensure Vim is not recursively invoked (man-db does this) when doing ctrl-[ |
203 |
+ " on a man page reference by unsetting MANPAGER. |
204 |
+ " Some versions of env(1) do not support the '-u' option, and in such case |
205 |
+ " we set MANPAGER=cat. |
206 |
+ if !exists('s:env_has_u') |
207 |
+ call system('env -u x true') |
208 |
+ let s:env_has_u = (v:shell_error == 0) |
209 |
+ endif |
210 |
+ let env_cmd = s:env_has_u ? 'env -u MANPAGER' : 'env MANPAGER=cat' |
211 |
+ let env_cmd .= ' GROFF_NO_SGR=1' |
212 |
+ let man_cmd = env_cmd . ' man ' . s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) . ' | col -b | cat' |
213 |
+ let old_srr = &shellredir |
214 |
+ let &shellredir = '>' |
215 |
+ silent exec "r !" . man_cmd |
216 |
+ let &shellredir = old_srr |
217 |
+ |
218 |
+ if unsetwidth |
219 |
+ let $MANWIDTH = '' |
220 |
+ endif |
221 |
+ " Remove blank lines from top and bottom. |
222 |
+ while line('$') > 1 && getline(1) =~ '^\s*$' |
223 |
+ 1delete _ |
224 |
+ endwhile |
225 |
+ while line('$') > 1 && getline('$') =~ '^\s*$' |
226 |
+ $delete _ |
227 |
+ endwhile |
228 |
+ 1 |
229 |
+ setl ft=man nomod |
230 |
+ setl bufhidden=hide |
231 |
+ setl nobuflisted |
232 |
+ setl noma |
233 |
+endfunc |
234 |
+ |
235 |
+func s:PopPage() |
236 |
+ if s:man_tag_depth > 0 |
237 |
+ let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth - 1 |
238 |
+ exec "let s:man_tag_buf=s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth |
239 |
+ exec "let s:man_tag_lin=s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth |
240 |
+ exec "let s:man_tag_col=s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth |
241 |
+ exec s:man_tag_buf."b" |
242 |
+ exec s:man_tag_lin |
243 |
+ exec "norm! ".s:man_tag_col."|" |
244 |
+ exec "unlet s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth |
245 |
+ exec "unlet s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth |
246 |
+ exec "unlet s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth |
247 |
+ unlet s:man_tag_buf s:man_tag_lin s:man_tag_col |
248 |
+ endif |
249 |
+endfunc |
250 |
+ |
251 |
+endif |
252 |
+ |
253 |
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save |
254 |
+unlet s:cpo_save |
255 |
+ |
256 |
+" vim: set sw=2 ts=8 noet: |