	path = ~/.gitconfig-user

	; Git sets `$LESS` to `FRX` if it's not already set. `X` disables
	; sending termcap initialization and deinitialization strings to the
	; terminal, which leaves (potentially log) text on the screen and
	; disables mouse scrolling.
	pager = less -+X
	hooksPath      = ~/.githooks
	excludesFile   = ~/.gitignore
	attributesFile = ~/.gitattributes

	templateDir = ~/.gittemplate
	defaultBranch = master
	; defaultBranch = main

	pushDefault = origin

	default = current
	recurseSubmodules = check

	autoSetupMerge  = always
	autoSetupRebase = always

	prune     = true
	pruneTags = true

	autoSquash = true
	autoStash  = true
	updateRefs = true
	missingCommitsCheck = error

	rebase = merges

	ff = false
	autoStash = true
	conflictStyle = diff3

	threeWay = true

	enabled = true

	renames   = copies
	algorithm = histogram