See ansible-role-gitolite for some of the supported features.

See also projects (overview and categorization), code (short general examples), and data (input and output for some of these projects).

I consider these projects "unpublished" and rebase/force push the default branches fairly heavily (but feel free to use them, the majority has a clearly stated open source license). The plan is to migrate/mirror projects to some "social" repository hosting service once I have revisited them a few times without finding something I want to fix.

An Ansible playbook for setting up a desktop on Debian-based Linux distributions

An Ansible role for deploying dotfiles on Unix-likes

An Ansible role for installing Firefox extensions

An Ansible role for deploying gitolite

An Ansible role for making a Debian-derived system unattended

An Ansible role for deploying custom X session .desktop file

An Ansible role for cloning, building and installing xwinwrap

Set X Window System background image/video

Research notes regarding the Cult of the Bound Variable and affiliates


A CMake>=3.14 C++ common project helper

Concept-based Relaying ANY C++14 type

A thin command-line wrapper around crypt(3) and crypt_gensalt(3)

A C++11 std::string macro library

Generate a file from fragment files in a directory

Dotfiles for Ansible

Dotfiles for APT

Dotfiles for bash

Dotfiles for CMake

Dotfiles for color

Dotfiles for compton/picom

Dotfiles for coreutils

Dotfiles for diffutils

Dotfiles for Docker

Dotfiles for Firefox

Dotfiles for gdb

Dotfiles for Git

Dotfiles for gnome-terminal

Dotfiles for Graphviz and rcrnstn/

Dotfiles for GTK

Dotfiles for i3-gaps

Dotfiles for input

Dotfiles for less

Dotfiles for locale

Dotfiles for Make

Dotfiles for man

Dotfiles for Music Player Daemon (MPD)

Dotfiles for mpv

Dotfiles for ncmpcpp

Dotfiles for Node.js

Dotfiles for $PATH

Dotfiles for polybar

Dotfiles for .profile

Dotfiles for prompt

Dotfiles for PulseAudio

Dotfiles for Robert Cranston

Dotfiles for readline

Dotfiles for $XDG_DATA_HOME/recently-used.xbel

Dotfiles for rofi

Dotfiles for sh

Dotfiles for stow

Dotfiles for sxhkd

Dotfiles for tmux

Dotfiles for Vim/Neovim

Dotfiles for VirtualBox

Dotfiles for xdg-user-dirs

Dotfiles for xdg-utils

Dotfiles for xfce4-terminal

Dotfiles for X resources

Dotfiles for X session

Dotfiles for youtube-dl/yt-dlp

Dotfiles for Zathura

A C++11 test of OpenGL >=3.2 3D Framebuffer Objects (FBOs)

Dump commented user.js from firefox-profilemaker

Manage the counterpart of a local Git repository on a remote gitolite host

A Git hook to notify Jenkins about updated gitolite repositories

A Git hook that prevents you from committing unintended content

A Git hook to use pandoc to create $GIT_DIR/description (as read by e.g. Gitweb)

A Git hook to use pandoc to create $GIT_DIR/README.html (as read by e.g. Gitweb)

Manage multiple Git hooks with ease

A C++11/OpenGL >=1.0 backend library

A C++11/OpenGL>=1.0 basics library

A C++11/OpenGL >=2.0 buffer library

An OpenGL conventions document

Create OpenGL code base compatibility reports using glewinfo and grep

An GLSL/GLM matrix constructor library

A C++11/OpenGL>=1.0 object library

A C++11 OpenGL >=2.0 program object library

Cache and query the OpenGL registry locally

A C++11 OpenGL >=2.0 shader library

A GLSL/OpenGL >=2.1 isometry matrix library

A GLSL/OpenGL >=2.0 hash and noise function library

A GLSL/OpenGL >=3.2 quad library

Run GLSL code on the CPU

A GLSL/OpenGL >=3.2 normal visualization library

A C++11/OpenGL >=1.0 [testing][] library

A C++11/OpenGL >=2.0 texture library

A C++11(/C++14)/OpenGL>=1.0(/GLM) traits library

The lab files for the course TSBK07 "Computer Graphics" at Linköping University

Rotate mpv videos by arbitrary angles on the GPU

Interact with NearlyFreeSpeech.NET's API from the command line

A single-file Pandoc HTML5 template using Bootstrap 4.3, Tocbot and AnchorJS

A Python library to ease processing of video frames

Parse Raspberry Pi revision codes

A C++11/GLM toy raytracer

Upgrade Readline from vi to Vim

Chat with unlimited number of peers through a variety of sockets

A 14-line Vim "plugin manager" using Git and :packadd

A Vim plugin for unobtrusive folds

This is a fork of jrfonseca/ that removes --filter restriction and keeps zoom-to-fit on reload

Zoom in on video motion